Life Sciences | Education & Training | Medical & Hospital | Environmental Engineering
3B Scientific specializes in the manufacturing and marketing of didactic material for scientific, medical and patient education. The brand name 3B Scientific® is represented in over 100 countries worldwide in the medical and educational sector. Achieving constantly growing sales, the 3B Scientific group is the worldwide leader in the anatomy market today. The essential factors for the steadily increasing success are:
- The excellent quality of the products, manufactured by skilled and specially trained personnel
- The extremely competitive value of 3B Scientific® Products
- The uncompromising flexibility of processing customer requirements
That is what 3B stands for today: Best quality, Best value, Best service!
Customers who bought 3B products from ACRE Engineering, include universities, schools, ministries of health and education, other health and educational authorities, hospitals, practitioners, educational and medical distributors, students and the pharmaceutical industry.
- High Fidelity Patient Care and Medical Simulation
- Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Simulation
- Virtual Dissection Table
- Human Anatomy Models and Charts
- Health Education Products
This mobile autopsy facility was designed and made by ACRE Engineering Pte Ltd. It can be set up anywhere within a day and allows work to be done in an ultra-safe condition. It is believed to be the world’s first such facility.
A Mobile BSL4 Containerized Autopsy Facility
A Mobile BSL2 Containerized Autopsy Facility
AFOS is a global market leader in the design and manufacture of high quality ventilated equipment for use in mortuaries, laboratories, surgical and pharmaceutical environments.
AFOS pathology products are among the very best in the world and our systems exceed all the recognised Health and Safety requirements. Our down draught ventilation technology is independently validated: The performance levels of our equipment maintains safe working areas with containment of formalin fumes to below 2 ppm.
- Ventilated Down Draft Tables
- Mortuary Equipment
Angelantoni Life Science (ALS) manufactures biomedical equipment for healthcare, pharmaceutical industry, and life science research institutes. ALS produces a complete range of low and ultra-low temperature freezers (even robotics), refrigerated blood banks, rapid plasma freezers, stability test climatic chambers and biological safety hoods.
ALS produces a wide range of standard and special equipment for Research Centres, Hospitals, Laboratories, Academia and Pharma industry. Angelantoni Life Science is present in more than 40 countries and can be an ideal partner in Science and Technology.
- Automated Storage Systems – SMARTFREEZER
- Advanced System for Blood Management – HEMOSAFE
- Plasma Shock Freezers – PLASMAFROST
- Medical Waste Treatment – WaSter
- Ultra Freezers
- Laboratory Refrigerators and Freezers
- Blood Banks Refrigerators
- Plant Growth Chambers
- Microbiological Safety and Laminar Flow Cabinets